Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Mamma Mia! tech has arrived and this show is rockin'!

It's Tech Week at Mamma Mia!  What is tech week?

Perhaps the photos we took at tonight's Mamma Mia! tech rehearsal can shed some light on the subject! We've come a long way in the past several years and it is astounding how many pieces of technical equipment and computers we are now able to utilize to bring a show to life!

By the time the cast members have learned all their lines, songs and blocking, it's time to add the magic of lights, sound, set, costumes and orchestra...all in just a couple of rehearsals. And it takes nearly an army of students backstage, in the booth and sometimes in the rafters to get it all right! Throw in a few professionals who assist along the way and, oh man, what a show! Lighting cues are all entered, sound checks are run, props are placed, projections are set, music is rehearsed, and that is all before the actual rehearsal begins!

It is a long road from the early days of auditions to opening night but Mamma Mia! will finally arrive this Friday evening, March 22, at 7:30 pm in the Fogelberg Performing Arts Center of Burlington High School. 

Mamma Mia! at Burlington High School. Got tix?: BurlingtonTheatre.com, 781-A-FUN-TIC and at the door but we advise purchasing in advance . . . tickets are flying!!!

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